Charging cables.

“Type 2 to Type 1 needed”
The car does not have Europe Standard charging sockets. It comes with Type 1 and in EU the standard is Type 2 for the regular charging plug and with CHAdeMO instead of CCS. Big thing considering you will have to buy very expensive adapters from type 2 to type 1 to be able to charge at standard amperage and even bigger pain considering there is no CCS to CHAdeMO adapter.

There is no way to lock the charging cable to the car or secure the adapter needed to charge to the car. Everyone can stop your car from charging, disconnect the cable or steal the adapt or. Leaf has the ability to lock the cable long time ago.
Another bad design is the place to put the charging cables, in the trunk under the floor. This is like hiding the seat belts under the back seat. So no one will use them. This defeats the purpose of having an EV or keeping the rear passages safe. If the place to put the charging cable is under the trunk floor and usually everyone keeps stuff in the trunk you will not be able to access the charging cables unless you remove all from your trunk only to have to put all back in after that. There is sufficient SPACE under the bonnet, why not create a special compartment for the cables there, and while you are at it, put a telescopic shock to keep the bonnet open instead of that industrial age rod!
“NO spear tire”
Not even a reduced size one, although there is space, just a stupid repair kit, that will ruin your tire and you will need to buy another one if you use it, this according to the car manual.
In my 14 years of driving, all the flat tires that I had were because the tire moved on the rim, creating a small gap for the air to escape. Always the fix was to re-positron the tire. Why would I want to destroy the tire for that?
“Door pockets are not EU bottles”
Door bottle sockets are not standard for Europe. The 0.5 liters is too small and rattles, the 1 liter is too tall and hits the door handle.