“auto hold” cool, but ...

“Auto hold" does not remain on.
The car has “auto hold” (#cool), but it does not go automatically to “park” from “drive” if you leave the car, like all other automatic cars including entry level ones do (very nasty surprise discovered on the way back at a traffic light when I tried to take something quickly from the trunk). I consider this to be a huge design flaw and a potential cause for accidents (because of how humans operate the car). “Auto hold” will not remain on, and you have to activate every time, very bad if you change the car from D to R and back to D and you expect the car to hold not creep.
No automatically closing the windows
Once I reached home, I found another bothering thing. The car does not know to automatically close windows when locked (no version of PHEV). A 9k (new) car (2017) has this feature.